Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Chronic Muscle Pain Relief In Prescott Arizona

Happy New Year (almost!) to you, your family and friends!

Here's a quick post in regards to medical massage therapy and EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona and why they work together so well.

Myo-fascial tissue is fascinating. It actually disturbs me that we do not teach more people what massage therapists have learned over the past many years. I have learned that the muscles of the body want to be warm and supple. They want to be stretched often and relaxed constantly to relieve unhealthy levels of tension that build up in them during the course of daily events and movements. I am a busy professional and know this all too well. EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona as well as medical massage are a great combination for emotional and physical release.

As I look and sympathize with my clients experiencing chronic muscle pain, it seems that what occurs to me is a sort of muscular breakdown of a particular region of the body. The muscles simply contract and say “no more.” The muscles themselves have become hard like concrete and become painful all of the time. The worst areas were exquisitely painful when palpated and stroked; especially first-time clients. This is why I often begin a massage session with EFT Tapping in Prescott. (After the in-take form is complete as well as proper assessment of body AND mind.) This engages the CNS (Central Nervous System) and calms the body.

It is important for me to realize that the knotted-up muscles were not solely the reason for the chronic pain...I think about the central nervous system and look for ways (such as EFT Tapping in Prescott, meditation, breathing exercises,) clients can calm this from anxiety and tension. (Add the anxiety and stress caused by the COVID-19 pandemic, and you’ve got some serious issues!)

One of the most important elements in my client’s recovery from chronic muscle pain, once we have worked through emotional attachments to physical pain with EFT Tapping, has been for me to teach clients a conceptual understanding of the science of trigger points and myo-fascial restriction. Understanding trigger points and why and when they caused pain is crucial for clients to manage and eliminate them. (I can teach you this during our session as well.) At some point they finally had to surrender to the fact that their condition was not one where they could just go to the doctor, be given a pill, and never had to think about it again.

The massage protocol and EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona treatment I use often bumps up against psychological patterns that refuse to let go of guarding against imagined danger. The core of my treatment for chronic pain relief in Prescott is training my clients to profoundly relax their tense muscles. This means that they ‘un-defend themselves.’ This is WHY I use both medical massage and EFT Tapping. It means that they allow themselves to be at ease, to feel good, and to let go of vigilance.

What’s often helpful is to facilitate a dialogue between the part of the client who wants to improve and the part that seems unable to move ahead. What often emerges from these dialogues is the fear of the unknown that is imagined if there is no more pain or dysfunction. This is why our treatment of massage and EFT Tapping works so well. We work with the mind AND the body, getting through the fear of the unknown. This is a huge step forward once you achieve it! 

Okay, this is enough 'words' for now. Give me a call if you are looking for chronic muscle pain relief in Prescott Arizona and I'll fix you up ASAP! 

Happy New Year to you and the ones you love, and I'll chat with you next year!

Kristopher Kelley - (928) 273-8666 -

Tuesday, December 22, 2020

EFT Tapping Prescott Style

EFT Tapping Prescott style continues to provide results in a quick and efficient manner, even with the COVID-19 pandemic!

Historically, for most of my clients, it was very difficult in the past to alter and change their emotional experience and feelings. Many clients, like all of us, could spend years in visualization, contemplation and or meditation, attempting to cultivate inner peace. But that state of 'inner-peace awareness' is easily disturbed by the events of the average day. Life is fine and dandy sitting in meditation, yet what occurs when you are at work and your boss starts yelling at you, or your kids upset you while you are at home attempting to relax? Inner-peace goes straight out the window! These techniques take many years to learn and perfect, which is fine, yet, it's why EFT Tapping Prescott style works so well. It's quick, easy and painless. (For the most part!) 

As I'm a massage therapist, personal trainer, life coach and death doula, I work mostly with clients who have physical ailments. Yet, with that said, in over 15 years of private practice, I've yet to find a physical ailment that isn't tied to a mental emotional issue as well, and that's why in my humble opinion, EFT Tapping Prescott style works so well. That’s not to say that physical ailments and disease are entirely psychological in origin. What it does indicate is that a lifetime of carrying the burden of anxiety, stress and trauma takes a toll on our bodies. When people use Tapping for physical problems, they are releasing the emotional memories associated with the symptom. Once those memories don’t hurt anymore, the stress response is reduced, and the body has a chance to heal. Please feel free to re-read that last bold type above, again!

EFT Tapping Prescott style has also been used with many of my massage clients for chronic muscle pain relief, for sports performance, school performance, and business performance. When the anxieties that claim a large part of our attention are removed, their full capacities come to bear on the task at hand. That’s why you’ll find so many stories of athletes and scholars performing better after Tapping. There are also specialty books on these subjects, but those are out of the scope of this post. 

As I commented on in a previous post in regards to the psychological aspect, measuring the intensity of your emotion associated with a traumatic memory, then pair your memory with a statement of self-acceptance, listed here on this blog, the other stream of experience on which EFT Tapping Prescott style draws from is Asian medicine, in the form of acupuncture points associated with energy meridians of the physical body.

EFT Tapping Prescott has come to learn that acupuncture has demonstrated efficacy for PTSD and psychological problems, as well as physical ones. Studies have shown that pressure on acupuncture points can be as effective as inserting needles, and scientists have also shown that real acupuncture points are more effective than inserting needles into non-acupoints. So, Tapping is sometimes called “acupuncture without needles,” even though it has as much historical basis in Western psychological science as Eastern medicine.

The two streams were brought together in the 1970's when an American psychologist, Roger Callahan, discovered that his patients could be cured of phobias in a single session. To this day, phobias are one of the easiest conditions for EFT Tapping Prescott style to treat. Callahan’s system was simplified by Stanford-trained engineer Gary Craig, and gained widespread popularity. EFT Tapping Prescott style has been validated as an evidence-based medicine approach in many studies, including randomized controlled trials that measure PTSD, pain, depression, anxiety, and cravings. Tapping is part of a group of therapies called energy psychology, because they are believed to affect the body’s electromagnetic energy fields.

Ok, that's enough for today in regards to EFT Tapping Prescott style.

To conclude, I think this method (EFT Tapping In Prescott Arizona) has added quite an edge to my regular practices and in the meantime, I have used EFT Tapping Prescott style on myself and family members for variety of quick therapies from shoulder pain to headaches, nausea, and so on. This method is absolutely invaluable!

It’s the week before Christmas and I STILL have some shopping to do, so for now, enjoy the holiday’s, and if you can’t, please feel free to give me a call and we can work through your issues.

Kris Kelley (928) 273-8666 -

Monday, December 21, 2020

EFT Tapping Teachers

I'm often asked, "Where did you learn EFT Tapping?" "Who taught you?"

Although I've picked up some tips here and there from many different Tapping teachers, there are two teachers who instructed me the majority of the time. These would be Gary Craig, the founder of EFT Tapping, and Nick Ortner, another pioneer in the Tapping field.

I began EFT Tapping in 2003 when I ordered Gary Craig's material. This is where I learned the gist of tapping, as well as some other energy healing techniques, AKA 'energy psychology.' I learned a great deal from Gary, but as I was in massage therapy school at the time, I spent the majority of time studying for the National Board massage test and not EFT. 

This lasted for several years until I wanted to get into 'energy work' again. Reiki seems to go hand-in-hand with massage, but from the several 'teachers' who instructed in Reiki, I was not impressed. Thus, I went back to EFT Tapping. At this time Nick Ortner and The Tapping Solution was popular, so I purchased his book and started learning Tapping his way. (Each teacher has a different method.) 

I also dug back into Gary's work, and even managed to get him on the telephone for a conversation! He's a marvelous gentleman and spent a good half hour on the phone with me. What a great time and learning experience I had!  

Again, as mentioned above, I've learned from other 'Tappers,' such as Dawson Church and Rick Wilkes, yet Gary and Nick were my primary teachers. 

Here are their webpages if you are looking for further information I've yet to provide, or if you want to see what they offer. All the above mentioned are excellent teachers! 

Gary Craig (The founder of EFT Tapping) - EMOFREE

Nick Ortner and The Tapping Solution 

Hope this helps, and if you are ever stuck, and don't know how to proceed, please contact me and we can work together through your issues! Especially with this Covid-19 crap going around.

Thanks for your time,

Kris Kelley - (928) 273-8666

Sunday, December 20, 2020

Tips for Beginning and Continuing EFT Tapping

Here is a list of five short pointers to keep in mind, as they seem relevant to EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. You can use these pointers for just about anything and everything in your daily life if you really think about it. Let’s get to some tapping and see how these tips work. Tapping doesn’t work unless you do, so let's begin, immediately!   


Whatever you avoid, somebody or something else has to pick up. Emotions are energy in motion. If you don't experience them, then the energy either goes into your body and is stored there or it goes out into the world. Why would you make others experience what you, yourself, are avoiding? (Author’s note: Avoiding is one of the biggest opportunities with EFT Tapping.) Avoided and unresolved issues are stored in the subconscious (and the physical body, IMHO) and we have to tackle these issues directly if we want resolution.


When energy is blocked or can't move, it stagnates. In your body, the restricted energy goes into adjacent muscles and organs and causes illness. In your personality, restricted energy flows into the patterns that you are least aware of and they run. In groups, restricted energy flows into the people whose attention is weakest and they are flooded. When energy stagnates, change the configuration or pay the consequences. This is where EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona really comes into play. I work your physical body with massage and work your mind and energy body with tapping.


Consistent EFT Tapping practice builds momentum. Momentum doesn't just go away. It has to go somewhere. When attention is not present, momentum flows into old patterns and powers them. The more you practice EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona, the longer you practice, the more important attention becomes. There are no vacations when working out unresolved issues. 


Respect the rhythms of practice. When you are tense and on edge in your tapping practice, just rest. When you are relaxed and open, push deep into the issue you wish to resolve. Glass doesn't bend; it breaks. Water doesn't move until you open a channel. Once again, tapping ‘opens the channel’ with your physical body and works on the mind and energy body. Do you now see the mind-body connection?

Old ways (Habits)

Once you see through a pattern using the EFT Tapping techniques, once you see what you've been doing, thinking, behaving, you can't go back. Ignorance may have been bliss, but you aren't there anymore. This means you can’t use your old excuses anymore, or use your old patterns and behaviors as a crutch anymore. Thus, you need to be prepared to live your (new) life without the old thoughts, actions and beliefs.

Hopefully this short blog post will entice you to begin or to continue on with EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. It’s a marvelous mind and body healing technique, yet it’s not just theory. You actually have to DO it! If you don’t know where to begin, contact me. This contact information is provided below. Enjoy your weekend, I know I will!

Kristopher Kelley - Personal Performance Coach

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Chronic Pain Relief in Prescott Arizona

This blog post is in regards to how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona can effect your mind-body connection. This article is a bit more about the physical body and how it reacts and responds to stress in our daily world.  

The conscious person, you, make decisions and send commands to your body. You send these commands, often out of habit. They feel normal and familiar to you in your daily interactions.

The area in or on your body where you are having chronic pain, wherever that may be, these functions and their myriad of biochemical, nervous, and the coprocessors go on and off and do so often without requiring your awareness, will, conscious effort, or attention.

We see that the problem begins when the world demands that the area you are having chronic pain starts working on a constant basis. Normally, these muscles are dynamic, working and resting throughout the day. Even though they tighten, they have the ability to relax and this relaxed state allows for proper oxygenation, nutrition and management of wastes as well as rejuvenation of tissue.

The muscles are not meant to be chronically contracted. When muscles are chronically tensed, they tend to shorten, knot up, and eventually accommodate, so that the posture of a shortened state of the muscles feels uncomfortable but normal. Here’s an example: Make a fist with your hand and fingers and hold it for as long as you can. Now, think of the area of your body that’s in chronic pain; this is what it’s doing and WHY you may be in chronic pain all the time.

Generally speaking, people who have no pain, have muscles that contract and then they relax. For people who are in chronic pain, whose way of expressing their anxiety is taking up the muscle strongly, flexing the muscle for a long time, or for people that have had some kind of injury and pain that has caused the muscles to reflexively tighten against the pain, the muscles don't relax well after contraction.

They stay in a state or spasm of contraction and when the muscles don't relax, all kinds of weird symptoms occur; symptoms that you can't know firsthand unless your muscles have been tight for a long time. (Which I’m sure they have been if you’re reading this.)

Mindfulness, relaxation and positive thinking is what we work on here at the Mind-Body Awareness and Healing Arts Center and while performing EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. Basically, this means getting in touch with your body; getting your mind and body working together. Not just getting them in-tune, but getting them to relax together. The mind and body are One, not two, and the mind runs the body. When we calm our mind, we calm our body.

I spent 15 years performing medical massage, and I have to tell you, that physical (massage or anything else) as a form of relaxation just isn't enough! This is why I enjoy EFT Tapping so much. It gets YOU to work with both YOUR mind and body, with YOU guiding them! Not an external source. Yes, I will work together with you as you learn EFT Tapping, but in the long run, you need to work this process yourself and heal yourself. I'm finding that healing ourselves really IS the only way! 

With that said, there are many methods to accomplish relaxation. EFT, meditation, bodywork, yoga, breathing exercises, etc., etc. Even a good discussion about what’s bugging you will do the trick. That’s why I’ve now included life coaching in Las Vegas as a method of relaxation. I’m a sounding board for you! I listen to you, regardless of what you’d like to talk about.

Just give me a ring on the telephone or a quick message and we can get started!

Kris Kelley

Tuesday, December 15, 2020

EFT Tapping and the Root Cause of Health and Wellness

One of the easiest-to-learn healing methods I have ever encountered is called EFT Tapping, also known as a form of Emotional Freedom Techniques or meridian tapping. Tapping is a form of energy healing; it is designed to resolve many physical and emotional problems by simply working with the body at certain energy points.

EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona is a type of psychological acupuncture that employs tapping rather than needles. You simply tap with your fingertips on certain areas on the body known as meridians in order to stimulate them.

So how does Tapping work, exactly? Developed in the 1990’s, EFT evolved from meridian-based therapies, such as acupuncture and acupressure. Both attribute disease and emotional dysfunction to disturbances in the energetic field. Energy is believed to flow through our bodies along meridians or pathways that connect to each other, and to our organs, much like an electrical circuit.

If we’re under stress of any sort - either emotional (anxiety, for example) or physical (a food intolerance) - then the energy meridian most affected will shut down or get blocked. The other connected meridians try to compensate in order to keep the energy flowing. But eventually, they get overloaded and blocked. The result is pain or other symptoms.

These problems often stem from negative emotions stored within the body. EFT Tapping in Prescott utilizes gentle tapping on the body, as tapping is believed to open energetic centers to release these emotions. According to proponents, EFT can help heal many conditions, including eating disorders, phobias, PTSD, chronic pain, anxiety disorders, and many serious physical illnesses. If EFT interests you, it’s best to locate a qualified practitioner such as myself to lead you through the process. You’ll learn where and how to tap, and how to employ breathing and affirmations as part of the therapy. You can see me in action performing tapping in video form here, at EFT Tapping Solutions.

The science behind EFT Tapping in Prescott is why it works so well on such a diverse range of health and wellness issues - everything from managing physical and emotional pain to erasing phobias to maintaining better relationships.

Tapping targets the root cause of health and wellness challenges by interrupting the body’s stress response quickly and effectively. As you will discover in this blog, tapping is a powerful tool for enabling health on multiple levels: mental, emotional, and physical. From depression, anxiety, and stress-related disorders like PTSD and fibromyalgia to physical pain and a lot, lot more, as tapping is producing consistent and compelling results.

When combined with a healthy lifestyle, including a wholesome, plant-rich diet, regular physical exercise, and neutral emotions to support health at a systematic level, EFT tapping in Prescott is a fast-acting, noninvasive way to proactively manage the stress that so often leaves our bodies vulnerable to disease.

Call me now for a FREE consultation and EFT Tapping session!

Kris Kelley

(928) 273-8666

Monday, December 14, 2020

The Mind-Body Connection With EFT Tapping

I've been performing EFT Tapping since 2003. I've not written much about it as I prefer to learn and then apply with clients. Yet, as I look to expand the Mind-Body Awareness & Healing Arts Center located in Prescott, Arizona, I suppose it's a good idea to begin writing about what it is we do besides massage, personal training and life coaching.

EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona has been found to be very helpful with eliminating emotional ties. As I'm also a medical massage therapist, I work with clients who are also suffering with a lot of pain in one part of their body or another. Thus, to begin with, I'd like to copy from another post, WITH permission, just a bit about pain & injury. Let's see if you can connect this post with a form of EFT Tapping, AKA Emotional Freedom Techniques. 

"We used to believe (some people still do) pain and injury to be highly correlated and would utilize the measure of pain as an indicator of tissue damage. Unfortunately, as we begin to learn more about pain and injury, it is clear that pain is not an accurate indicator of injury nor damage. To understand this better, we have to understand a very important concept. So, pay attention!

"Pain does not (technically) begin at the level of the tissues: While we once thought pain to originate at the level of the tissue (and that “pain” information was carried up to the brain), we now understand that these carriers, nociceptors, relay “danger” information to the brain for processing. Once the “danger” information reaches the brain, it is then up to the brain to decide whether these signals are dangerous enough to respond by producing an output of pain. So, we don’t have pain receptors or ascending pain pathways as we commonly thought. Pain doesn’t begin until the brain determines it is needed. (Keep reading to see how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona relates.)

"It is crucial that we understand that this response is quite individualized. One may have a very serious injury and complain of little to no pain, while another may have a very minor injury and experience extreme pain. The degree of injury is not always related to the degree of pain. Hence, they say, injury and pain are not related and ‘pain is in the brain’." Written by Anoop Balachandran and shared WITH permission. What else is conjured up in the brain? Emotion! This is how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona assists so many clients.

I'll write more in regards to Anoop's post in the future, but for now, I just wanted to present this as a new, evidence, science-based approach. EFT Tapping as well as many other techniques (such as massage and movement therapy) are used here at the Mind-Body Awareness & Healing Arts Center in Prescott, Arizona for pain & injury.

So, the next logical question is, "What the heck are Emotional Freedom Techniques and EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona?"

EFT Tapping is a very quick and simple method of reducing the intensity of traumatic memories. Our emotional growth has been shaped by them, and we may believe we’re destined to remain that way (in a stressed-out state) for the rest of our lives.

EFT Tapping has ushered in a whole new way of releasing emotional memories. Even the first few minutes after you try it, you are likely to find the intensity of your traumatic recollections rapidly dropping. There are many scientific and evidence-based studies of Tapping for depression, anxiety, stress and other psychological problems. They show that people who use Tapping recover very quickly, often in just a few sessions.

EFT Tapping in Prescott is easy to learn, and simple to apply. It’s so simple that the entire set of instructions fit on a single page. You simply measure the intensity of your emotion associated with a traumatic memory, then pair your memory with a statement of self-acceptance. If you would like to see video's of this Tapping process, please visit my page here, EFT Tapping Solutions

This pairing utilizes two very well-researched psychological techniques called exposure (remembering the trauma) and cognitive restructuring (self-acceptance). Then, you tap with your fingertips on a series of acupressure points on your face and body. (EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona has often been labeled Acupuncture without needles.)

The Tapping sends a calming signal to your brain, telling it that you’re safe. So, while before, the memory might send your body into a conditioned stress response, you’re now re-conditioning your brain with a positive association.

The signal of safety sent by your fingertips tells your brain’s stress machinery to disengage. So, the conditioned association of the memory with the stress response is broken. Once that loop is broken, it usually stays broken. So later on, when you think of the memory, you no longer feel stressed. It’s that easy, and it takes just a minute or two to complete each set of tapping points with EFT.

Thus, can you now see the connection between pain & injury as relating to your mind-body in regards to both how the brain works and using EFT Tapping in Prescott? If not, I'll do my best to clarify in future posts. This is enough writing for now! Please feel free to watch the video's in the link above, or feel free to visit other posts with video's here, EFT Tapping In Prescott and Emotional Freedom Techniques In Prescott Arizona

Take care, and we'll see each other again, soon!

Kris Kelley

(928) 273-8666