Here is a list of five short pointers to keep in mind, as they seem relevant to EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. You can use these pointers for just about anything and everything in your daily life if you really think about it. Let’s get to some tapping and see how these tips work. Tapping doesn’t work unless you do, so let's begin, immediately!
Whatever you avoid, somebody or something else has to pick up. Emotions are energy in motion. If you don't experience them, then the energy either goes into your body and is stored there or it goes out into the world. Why would you make others experience what you, yourself, are avoiding? (Author’s note: Avoiding is one of the biggest opportunities with EFT Tapping.) Avoided and unresolved issues are stored in the subconscious (and the physical body, IMHO) and we have to tackle these issues directly if we want resolution.
When energy is blocked or can't move, it stagnates. In your body, the restricted energy goes into adjacent muscles and organs and causes illness. In your personality, restricted energy flows into the patterns that you are least aware of and they run. In groups, restricted energy flows into the people whose attention is weakest and they are flooded. When energy stagnates, change the configuration or pay the consequences. This is where EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona really comes into play. I work your physical body with massage and work your mind and energy body with tapping.
Consistent EFT Tapping practice builds momentum. Momentum doesn't just go away. It has to go somewhere. When attention is not present, momentum flows into old patterns and powers them. The more you practice EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona, the longer you practice, the more important attention becomes. There are no vacations when working out unresolved issues.
Respect the rhythms of practice. When you are tense and on edge in your tapping practice, just rest. When you are relaxed and open, push deep into the issue you wish to resolve. Glass doesn't bend; it breaks. Water doesn't move until you open a channel. Once again, tapping ‘opens the channel’ with your physical body and works on the mind and energy body. Do you now see the mind-body connection?
Old ways (Habits)
Once you see through a pattern using the EFT Tapping techniques, once you see what you've been doing, thinking, behaving, you can't go back. Ignorance may have been bliss, but you aren't there anymore. This means you can’t use your old excuses anymore, or use your old patterns and behaviors as a crutch anymore. Thus, you need to be prepared to live your (new) life without the old thoughts, actions and beliefs.
Hopefully this short blog post will entice you to begin or to continue on with EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. It’s a marvelous mind and body healing technique, yet it’s not just theory. You actually have to DO it! If you don’t know where to begin, contact me. This contact information is provided below. Enjoy your weekend, I know I will!
Kristopher Kelley - Personal Performance Coach
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