Showing posts with label anxiety relief. Show all posts
Showing posts with label anxiety relief. Show all posts

Thursday, December 17, 2020

Chronic Pain Relief in Prescott Arizona

This blog post is in regards to how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona can effect your mind-body connection. This article is a bit more about the physical body and how it reacts and responds to stress in our daily world.  

The conscious person, you, make decisions and send commands to your body. You send these commands, often out of habit. They feel normal and familiar to you in your daily interactions.

The area in or on your body where you are having chronic pain, wherever that may be, these functions and their myriad of biochemical, nervous, and the coprocessors go on and off and do so often without requiring your awareness, will, conscious effort, or attention.

We see that the problem begins when the world demands that the area you are having chronic pain starts working on a constant basis. Normally, these muscles are dynamic, working and resting throughout the day. Even though they tighten, they have the ability to relax and this relaxed state allows for proper oxygenation, nutrition and management of wastes as well as rejuvenation of tissue.

The muscles are not meant to be chronically contracted. When muscles are chronically tensed, they tend to shorten, knot up, and eventually accommodate, so that the posture of a shortened state of the muscles feels uncomfortable but normal. Here’s an example: Make a fist with your hand and fingers and hold it for as long as you can. Now, think of the area of your body that’s in chronic pain; this is what it’s doing and WHY you may be in chronic pain all the time.

Generally speaking, people who have no pain, have muscles that contract and then they relax. For people who are in chronic pain, whose way of expressing their anxiety is taking up the muscle strongly, flexing the muscle for a long time, or for people that have had some kind of injury and pain that has caused the muscles to reflexively tighten against the pain, the muscles don't relax well after contraction.

They stay in a state or spasm of contraction and when the muscles don't relax, all kinds of weird symptoms occur; symptoms that you can't know firsthand unless your muscles have been tight for a long time. (Which I’m sure they have been if you’re reading this.)

Mindfulness, relaxation and positive thinking is what we work on here at the Mind-Body Awareness and Healing Arts Center and while performing EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona. Basically, this means getting in touch with your body; getting your mind and body working together. Not just getting them in-tune, but getting them to relax together. The mind and body are One, not two, and the mind runs the body. When we calm our mind, we calm our body.

I spent 15 years performing medical massage, and I have to tell you, that physical (massage or anything else) as a form of relaxation just isn't enough! This is why I enjoy EFT Tapping so much. It gets YOU to work with both YOUR mind and body, with YOU guiding them! Not an external source. Yes, I will work together with you as you learn EFT Tapping, but in the long run, you need to work this process yourself and heal yourself. I'm finding that healing ourselves really IS the only way! 

With that said, there are many methods to accomplish relaxation. EFT, meditation, bodywork, yoga, breathing exercises, etc., etc. Even a good discussion about what’s bugging you will do the trick. That’s why I’ve now included life coaching in Las Vegas as a method of relaxation. I’m a sounding board for you! I listen to you, regardless of what you’d like to talk about.

Just give me a ring on the telephone or a quick message and we can get started!

Kris Kelley

Saturday, March 24, 2018

EFT Tapping For Stress Relief


I haven't written a blog post since last year as I've been busy attempting to move from Las Vegas, Nevada to Prescott, Arizona.

I'll spare you all the gory details, yet take my word for it, this hasn't been a pleasant experience. Thus, what do we do when we are stress out to the max? EFT Tapping, of course! I just mentioned how I'll not complain on and on about my moving process, yet I would like to share just a few details to give you an idea of how to get started with EFT Tapping for stress relief.

First, at least on my list, I needed to find a home down in Prescott Arizona that I liked. I already had this narrowed down a bit, so it wasn't very stressful. Once I found the house I wanted, I needed to speak to the real estate agent and go over details. This can be very stressful, especially if you are not familiar with the process like myself. Once you get all the details, as I did, there's a great deal of stress. So, I took each topic of this new home and 'tapped' on it. Such as the price. The details inside the home. The land that is included with the home. Each facet of the home I disliked and could possibly change. Each facet of the home I truly enjoyed. I'm sure you get the idea.

Second, I needed to 'fix up' my existing home in Las Vegas. Although it didn't need much in the way of maintenance, I did want to ensure everything was looking great so I could sell it. This process can be overwhelming! So, I went room by room, and sat down and tapped on each aspect of what needed to be done in each room to make it look beautiful. Once my perceived stress of what needed to be done was eliminated, I would then proceed to do what needed to be done to fix up each room.

Third, dealing with the real estate agent in regards to selling my home. Lot's of stress here! Although she is a fine agent, there is a LOT of paperwork involved, and for most of us, this causes us stress. We are dealing with money, a lot of legal terminology, etc., etc. Again, serious stress. Thus, after each meeting with the agent I would take each topic in regards to selling my home and tap on it. This would calm me down so I could review all this documentation rationally. Keep this in mind: We often make decisions emotionally. Yet, when dealing with huge topics and issues such as finances and physically moving to another state, I needed to look at all the facts in a rational manner. List price of the home. Showing the home to prospective buyers. Home inspection. Home appraisal. Etc., etc. There's a lot involved! I spent hours tapping on each 'aspect' of all of these.

Fourth, I needed to secure financing for the new home. This process should probably be higher up in priority, as it takes awhile, but I'll list it as fourth. Even though I have a lot of equity in my current home, I still needed to secure financing for the new home. Keep in mind that this may take 30-45 days, and I am not joking. Seldom will this process be completed sooner. Don't count on it! Especially if you are self-employed as I am. Lending institutions do not seem to want to loan money to us. (Long story on that topic, which I won't go into now.) This involves a lot of communication and paperwork with the lending institution. What a headache! Once again, I spent many hours tapping on all these topics and aspects. How much are they going to loan me? What's the interest rate? How much are the closing costs? Why do you need all this information from me? I am not kidding when I say that mid-way through this process I felt violated. I felt like a pin cushion that everyone was taking a poke at. Seriously!

Fifth, there's the coordination between selling the current home, getting financing, setting up a moving company, and opening up an account with a title company for the new home. Tons of stress here! I would be remiss if I didn't say that I lost many a nights sleep over this process, even WITH the EFT Tapping! Why? Because I'd be jarred awake in the middle of the night with something I had forgot to do the day before. Thus, I'd get up and tap on said issue. Thus, the event or task would be cleared away, yet depending on the time I awoke, often times I'd choose not to attempt to go back to sleep.

Sixth, moving and setting up the new home. Not nearly as stressful as the process listed above, yet in the new home I moved to, there's not much storage space. More stress! So, what then? More EFT Tapping!

So, does this give you an idea of how to perform EFT Tapping for stress relief? Here is the biggest tip I can offer you...

Break down large, consuming issues into small parts. If you are stressed over a large issue of selling your home, as mentioned above, break it down, and WRITE DOWN, all the aspects which go into this process. Then, go through your written list, or EFT Tapping journal as I refer to it as, and tap on each issue or aspect. One thing is for sure: You need to tap through ALL the issues on your list as they all come together to create this 'monster' in your head, this huge issue, you are having trouble dealing with. And of course take action on what needs to be done on your list, don't just tap on the issues and hope they will go away on their own. They won't. Be pro-active, not re-active.

Thus, the moral of the story is, at least for this blog post, keep doing your EFT Tapping! Listed below is probably the most comprehensive tapping video I've made. I'll make more videos as soon as I get moved into the new home. If you are new to EFT Tapping, this video shows you the basics, and covers most of the issues.

Until next time,

Kris Kelley
Emotional Freedom Techniques In Prescott Arizona
EFT Tapping In Prescott
How To Do Meditation In Prescott 
(928) 273-8666
EFT Tapping Solutions Videos

Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Anxiety Relief In Prescott Arizona

Are you searching for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, especially in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, the holidays and all the stress it’s creating? If so, I have a solution for you, and its EFT Tapping in Prescott! 

But first, what exactly IS anxiety? My definition is short and sweet: Chronic fear. So, let's break this down. What does the word 'chronic' mean? Chronic means it's there for a prolonged period of time, as opposed to 'acute,' which means recent onset and short duration. Thus, if one of your issues is chronic, this means it's been going on for awhile, usually lasting longer than three months continuously

Fear is something we are mentally afraid of. Fear turns into stress and then manifests itself in the physical body, usually resulting in physical acute pain, and then chronic pain. EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona is great for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona! Please continue reading further if anxiety and the stress associated with it is ruining your life and you’ve yet to find a solution. 

One of the first questions you may ask in regards to my definition of fear is, "Isn't fear a physical sensation as well?" Yes, it is. Please keep in mind though, that the mind runs the body. The Mind and Body are One, yet the mind and nervous system run the physical body. And, as mentioned above, EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona is great for eliminating fear, providing anxiety relief Prescott style, and a host of other issues we can fix and cure. It's also great for physical pain relief, which has probably set in, also. You are hurting somewhere, yes?

As always, if you are suffering from severe pain or uncontrolled anxiety, please visit your medical professional. Please remember: EFT Tapping in Prescott is a compliment to western medicine, not a replacement for it. Please watch my video below to see how you can achieve anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona using EFT Tapping. This video was created in Las Vegas, yet all the same principles apply.

If you enjoyed my video and would like to learn more in regards to how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona can assist you with anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, please contact me (my e-mail and phone number are listed at the bottom of this post,) for a FREE 60-minute session, or if you would like to watch others videos for other ailments, please visit this page entitled, EFT Tapping Solutions.

So, back to anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona. What are the take-away's from the video? First and foremost, get yourself a EFT Tapping journal or notebook. Something nice that you keep with you all the time and take care of. Then, write down ALL the issues that you can think of that give you that anxious feeling. These are often referred to as ‘aspects’ in tapping.

A couple examples would be: Dealing with the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Perhaps you've had Covid-19, or are just frightened to get it, have friends or family with it, etc., and you don't know what to do. You are stressed out due to the fact that you really DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO! 

Perhaps driving makes you anxious due to the fact that a year ago you were in an auto accident. Write that in your journal with as much detail as you can. 

Maybe that big presentation makes you anxious because you had a bad experience previously in regards to public speaking. Write that down. 

It could be that just thinking of your job causes you anxiety because you are overwhelmed with the amount of work required of you. Write that in your EFT Tapping journal. 

Do you see how this works? The aspects, which need to be tapped on, in the examples above, would be: Covid-19, auto accident, past presentation, and to much work to do. (Also, be as specific as possible in regards to all these aspects. You can write as much as you'd like, but try and summarize as well.)

Now, within each example aspect mentioned above, there may be other aspects within as well. As in the car accident example, you may have been physically injured. You may have seen something horrific. You may have heard screams. You might have smelled smoke from something burning. ALL these aspects are parts of the larger equation, and need to be tapped on and resolved for complete anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona.

Most ‘anxious issues’ stem from past beliefs, behaviors, actions or lack thereof, and your response, now, to them. For accurate anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona you may need to search a bit further into your memory and answer some questions for yourself, or for me, if we are working together. There's work to be done and I'm here to help! 

Who was involved in an anxious situation you had in the past? What do you have anxiety over? How did this come about? Why did the outcome turn out the way it did? When did this occur? 

This is where working with me really has value. I ask questions, you provide answers, and then we tap on these, together. We select one issue at a time, and perform the protocol on it until you are anxiety free on each issue. 

How does fear become stress, and how does it manifest in the body? Worry. We think and worry about everything. Don't you? I know I do! We are always second-guessing the past, and at the same time, we then worry about the future. Hey, the future is uncertain. Thus, we 'stress' over what we are doing now and then how this will affect the future. EFT Tapping in Prescott provides anxiety relief Prescott style, quickly.

I'm not going to lie to you; this process may be difficult and painful. Memories of past events and actions, especially repressed ones, can be difficult to relive or discuss. Yet, if you truly want anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, you need to resolve them. Take the emotional sting out of them. Calm your central nervous system. Then, you can get back to living the life you want, and deserve!

I’m often asked if the method above is similar to journaling. Yes, you may receive some relief just by writing down and thinking about what makes you anxious. Yet, if you really want results, to clear the issues completely and obtain anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona using EFT Tapping, you need to complete the tapping protocol. This is not an exercise in theory, but an exercise in practice

So, why not give it a try? The process doesn’t take very long and I’m almost positive you’ll quickly see results. Hey, I'm offering a FREE 60 minute EFT Tapping session anyway, so why not give it a try?? 

I could go on forever in regards to anxiety and how to use EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona to resolve it, yet, I'll stop for now. Watch the video above and give it a try for yourself! If this doesn't work very well, then give me a call and I can assist you.

I would be remiss if I didn't mention that you can also change or enhance your lifestyle for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona. Try getting some exercise, such as, walking, jogging, swimming or yoga. Eat healthier food. Try and get more sleep. Start meditating. These will enhance your EFT Tapping in Prescott practice. Okay, enough words and descriptions! Let's get to some Tapping and let me know how it goes. Deal? 

Until next time,

Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666