Are you searching for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, especially in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic, the holidays and all the stress it’s creating? If so, I have a solution for you, and its EFT Tapping in Prescott!
But first, what exactly IS anxiety? My definition is short and sweet: Chronic fear. So, let's break this down. What does the word 'chronic' mean? Chronic means it's there for a prolonged period of time, as opposed to 'acute,' which means recent onset and short duration. Thus, if one of your issues is chronic, this means it's been going on for awhile, usually lasting longer than three months continuously.
Fear is something we are mentally afraid of. Fear turns into stress and then manifests itself in the physical body, usually resulting in physical acute pain, and then chronic pain. EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona is great for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona! Please continue reading further if anxiety and the stress associated with it is ruining your life and you’ve yet to find a solution.
One of the first questions you may ask in regards to my definition of fear is, "Isn't fear a physical sensation as well?" Yes, it is. Please keep in mind though, that the mind runs the body. The Mind and Body are One, yet the mind and nervous system run the physical body. And, as mentioned above, EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona is great for eliminating fear, providing anxiety relief Prescott style, and a host of other issues we can fix and cure. It's also great for physical pain relief, which has probably set in, also. You are hurting somewhere, yes?
If you enjoyed my video and would like to learn more in regards to how EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona can assist you with anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, please contact me (my e-mail and phone number are listed at the bottom of this post,) for a FREE 60-minute session, or if you would like to watch others videos for other ailments, please visit this page entitled, EFT Tapping Solutions.
So, back to anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona. What are the take-away's from the video? First and foremost, get yourself a EFT Tapping journal or notebook. Something nice that you keep with you all the time and take care of. Then, write down ALL the issues that you can think of that give you that anxious feeling. These are often referred to as ‘aspects’ in tapping.
A couple examples would be: Dealing with the Covid-19 virus pandemic. Perhaps you've had Covid-19, or are just frightened to get it, have friends or family with it, etc., and you don't know what to do. You are stressed out due to the fact that you really DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO!
Perhaps driving makes you anxious due to the fact that a year ago you were in an auto accident. Write that in your journal with as much detail as you can.
Maybe that big presentation makes you anxious because you had a bad experience previously in regards to public speaking. Write that down.
It could be that just thinking of your job causes you anxiety because you are overwhelmed with the amount of work required of you. Write that in your EFT Tapping journal.
Do you see how this works? The aspects, which need to be tapped on, in the examples above, would be: Covid-19, auto accident, past presentation, and to much work to do. (Also, be as specific as possible in regards to all these aspects. You can write as much as you'd like, but try and summarize as well.)
Now, within each example aspect mentioned above, there may be other aspects within as well. As in the car accident example, you may have been physically injured. You may have seen something horrific. You may have heard screams. You might have smelled smoke from something burning. ALL these aspects are parts of the larger equation, and need to be tapped on and resolved for complete anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona.
Most ‘anxious issues’ stem from past beliefs, behaviors, actions or lack thereof, and your response, now, to them. For accurate anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona you may need to search a bit further into your memory and answer some questions for yourself, or for me, if we are working together. There's work to be done and I'm here to help!
Who was involved in an anxious situation you had in the past? What do you have anxiety over? How did this come about? Why did the outcome turn out the way it did? When did this occur?
Now, within each example aspect mentioned above, there may be other aspects within as well. As in the car accident example, you may have been physically injured. You may have seen something horrific. You may have heard screams. You might have smelled smoke from something burning. ALL these aspects are parts of the larger equation, and need to be tapped on and resolved for complete anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona.
Most ‘anxious issues’ stem from past beliefs, behaviors, actions or lack thereof, and your response, now, to them. For accurate anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona you may need to search a bit further into your memory and answer some questions for yourself, or for me, if we are working together. There's work to be done and I'm here to help!
Who was involved in an anxious situation you had in the past? What do you have anxiety over? How did this come about? Why did the outcome turn out the way it did? When did this occur?
This is where working with me really has value. I ask questions, you provide answers, and then we tap on these, together. We select one issue at a time, and perform the protocol on it until you are anxiety free on each issue.
How does fear become stress, and how does it manifest in the body? Worry. We think and worry about everything. Don't you? I know I do! We are always second-guessing the past, and at the same time, we then worry about the future. Hey, the future is uncertain. Thus, we 'stress' over what we are doing now and then how this will affect the future. EFT Tapping in Prescott provides anxiety relief Prescott style, quickly.
I'm not going to lie to you; this process may be difficult and painful. Memories of past events and actions, especially repressed ones, can be difficult to relive or discuss. Yet, if you truly want anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, you need to resolve them. Take the emotional sting out of them. Calm your central nervous system. Then, you can get back to living the life you want, and deserve!

I’m often asked if the method above is similar to journaling. Yes, you may receive some relief just by writing down and thinking about what makes you anxious. Yet, if you really want results, to clear the issues completely and obtain anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona using EFT Tapping, you need to complete the tapping protocol. This is not an exercise in theory, but an exercise in practice.
I'm not going to lie to you; this process may be difficult and painful. Memories of past events and actions, especially repressed ones, can be difficult to relive or discuss. Yet, if you truly want anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona, you need to resolve them. Take the emotional sting out of them. Calm your central nervous system. Then, you can get back to living the life you want, and deserve!

I’m often asked if the method above is similar to journaling. Yes, you may receive some relief just by writing down and thinking about what makes you anxious. Yet, if you really want results, to clear the issues completely and obtain anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona using EFT Tapping, you need to complete the tapping protocol. This is not an exercise in theory, but an exercise in practice.
So, why not give it a try? The process doesn’t take very long and I’m almost positive you’ll quickly see results. Hey, I'm offering a FREE 60 minute EFT Tapping session anyway, so why not give it a try??
I could go on forever in regards to anxiety and how to use EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona to resolve it, yet, I'll stop for now. Watch the video above and give it a try for yourself! If this doesn't work very well, then give me a call and I can assist you.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that you can also change or enhance your lifestyle for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona. Try getting some exercise, such as, walking, jogging, swimming or yoga. Eat healthier food. Try and get more sleep. Start meditating. These will enhance your EFT Tapping in Prescott practice. Okay, enough words and descriptions! Let's get to some Tapping and let me know how it goes. Deal?
Until next time,
Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666
I could go on forever in regards to anxiety and how to use EFT Tapping in Prescott Arizona to resolve it, yet, I'll stop for now. Watch the video above and give it a try for yourself! If this doesn't work very well, then give me a call and I can assist you.
I would be remiss if I didn't mention that you can also change or enhance your lifestyle for anxiety relief in Prescott Arizona. Try getting some exercise, such as, walking, jogging, swimming or yoga. Eat healthier food. Try and get more sleep. Start meditating. These will enhance your EFT Tapping in Prescott practice. Okay, enough words and descriptions! Let's get to some Tapping and let me know how it goes. Deal?
Until next time,
Kristopher Kelley
(928) 273-8666
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